Elijah Robison | GIS Blog

A scrapbook of GIS tricks, with emphasis on FOSS4G.

Install httplib2 to your Preferred Python Runtime after ArcGIS Unceremoniously Hijacks the First Attempt

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We’re going to use Google Maps Engine for some stuff, and so I thought I’d throw my first codes at it using Python. Well.. Google’s Python example requires the httplib2 library, so I needed to install that. When I did—following the library’s download/instructions—for some reason, the library went into service against ArcGIS’s embedded Python runtime, rather than my favored 2.7 instance, which I use for every single thing.


To fix this, I just ensured the new library’s setup.py script was called from my preferred Python runtime rather than let Windows, or some black magic, decide which instance it should integrate with httplib2.

Breaking it down:

1) cd into the unpacked httplib2 directory:

C:\>cd C:\Users\elijah\Downloads\httplib2-0.8

2) Next, you can qualify which Python runtime you want to execute the supplied setup.py install script—in my case, this worked to install httplib2 to that specific runtime. This was the exact command I used:

C:\Users\elijah\Downloads\httplib2-0.8>C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py install

Voila! Now when I pull up IDLE, relative to my preferred instance of Python 2.7, I can import httplib2 without issues.

It didn’t take too long to figure this out—but it seemed like an easy post should someone else be stumped and on the wrong foot.

Written by elrobis

August 5th, 2013 at 9:42 am

Posted in Python

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